Editor's Note

Never Noticed…

Recently I was reading a Washington Post article about two sites that curate great stories – long, deep reads that illuminate and challenge. When I examined Longform and Longreads I discovered that the editors are providing some of the best articles available on the web. I found much to love, including some great profiles of women as well as articles by top female journalists. Yet there’s a serious imbalance in articles about women. We are half the population yet apparently still invisible in many ways. Unfortunately, an analysis of our most influential media outlets by VIDA found that this under-representation permeates our literary culture.

Therefore, I’m spending the summer seeking, sharing and sometimes writing articles about women – scientists, geniuses, artists, leaders and heroines. I’m not trying to shove women’s work into a special corner all its own, but I think it would be useful and helpful to have a reading space that celebrates women and their accomplishments. And I’m wondering if men will find it it interesting and accessible as well since they can peruse anonymously the way I read Esquire and GQ.

Got a favorite heroine? Send me her name… Wrote about someone amazing? Send me the link. Read something great I may have missed? Let me know.

2 replies on “Never Noticed…”

Cannot wait to see where you lead us… have fun finding and sharing amazing women with all of us.

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