Editor's Note Team in Training

We All Have a Long Walk to Freedom…

HalfMastCropThe flag at a community center was flying at half mast in honor of Nelson Mandela yesterday during our twelve-mile training session, and it occurred to me that we all have a long walk to freedom. For Mandela, that walk to freedom was a very public road and it became the title of his autobiography. The world watched his transformation from an angry rebel leader fighting oppression and arguing for the justice of his cause in court to an imprisoned icon — a symbol of freedom so strong that his image and name were banned throughout South Africa — to a free and firm negotiating partner, to an elected official presiding over the birth of a new democratic state and guiding its people towards healing and reconciliation and finally to a revered elder statesman.

Most of us don’t face daily insults to our human dignity, nor do we deal with cruel, systematic discrimination like apartheid. Nor do we deal with the pressure and scrutiny of being a public figure. But we often live within the prison of our hurts and fears, and sometimes those prisons of the mind can be very restrictive and limiting. Since a whiplash injury over a decade ago (and many subsequent re-injuries), I have faced the challenges of frequent physical pain and depression. Team in Training has helped me break out of the mindset that limitations are part of my life and develop strategies for accomplishing my goals in spite of obstacles. Not only am I becoming an endurance athlete, but my approach to life has changed due to the coaching we receive about preparing and learning lessons from each outcome, good or bad.

Every week at training, we have a Mission Moment presented by a fellow team member, an honored teammate or another person connected to the program. This week, I gave the mission moment:


Please join Team Bacalski. Help us fight blood cancers and support patients and their families. Donate now and help us reach our goal before the end of the year!

One reply on “We All Have a Long Walk to Freedom…”

Reblogged this on Upstate NY & Vermont Chapter Team in Training and commented:
This week, South Africa and the world will mourn the loss of one of the greatest human rights icons of our generation. While many of us may never have to experience the trials that he endured or the repressive and discriminatory practices of apartied, we are called each day to endure for a cure.

Access to quality and affordable healthcare is one of the most important human rights issues of the 21st century. According to the New York Times, the increasing cost of cancer care is borne by the patient. Sadly, that burdon continues to grow.

“In 2006, one-quarter of cancer patients reported that they had used up all or most of their savings paying for care; a study last year reported that 2 percent of cancer patients were driven into bankruptcy by their illness and its treatment. One in 10 cancer patients now reports spending more than $18,000 out of pocket on care.” -New York Times.

As a team of relentless volunteers commited to raising mission fuel we are at the front lines of the new march to freedom, freedom from blood cancer.

Check out a blog post from Lisa Bacalski, TNT Volunteer.

To read more about the rising costs of cancer care visit…

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